The Iowa Utilities Commission (IUC) issued an order today establishing the procedural schedule and setting the public hearing date regarding ITC Midwest’s petition for an electric transmission line franchise.

The public hearing, for the presentation of evidence and cross-examination of witnesses for ITC Midwest, will be held at 9 a.m. July 22, 2025, at the Reinig Toledo Civic Center, 1007 S. Prospect Drive, Toledo, Iowa. A comprehensive procedural schedule is attached to today’s order.

ITC Midwest filed its petition on July 31, 2024, seeking IUC approval to build approximately 60.58 miles of electric transmission line, capable of operating at a maximum voltage of 362,000 volts, in Marshall, Tama, Benton, and Linn counties, and 33.76 miles of electric transmission line, capable of operating at a maximum voltage of 169,000 volts, in Marshall, Tama, and Benton counties. The IUC reviews and processes all petitions for electric transmission line franchises following Iowa Code chapter 478 and IUC rules at 199 Iowa Administrative Code chapter 11 and chapter 25. The company’s petition is pending before the IUC in Docket No. E-22544.

Under Iowa Code 478.6, the IUC must hold a public hearing any time a petitioner seeks the right of eminent domain for an electric transmission line franchise or if an objection is filed. ITC Midwest is requesting the right of eminent domain over three parcels, and objections have been filed in the docket.

Today’s order requires ITC Midwest to file its eminent domain request (Exhibit E) and notes the exhibit must be in final form prior to the issuance of the official notice and approval of the eminent domain notice. In addition to publication of the official notice for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation, ITC Midwest is also required to provide notice to any eminent domain landowner.

People with disabilities requiring assistive services or devices to observe or participate in the hearing should contact the IUC at 515-725-7300 or at least five days in advance of the scheduled date to request appropriate arrangements.

Written comments can be filed in this proceeding by completing and submitting the IUC’s online comment form, by emailing, or by mailing to the Iowa Utilities Commission, Docket No. E-22544, 1375 E. Court Ave., Des Moines, IA 50319. 

All publicly filed documents for this rate case are available for review in the IUC’s electronic filing system under Docket No. E-22544.