Authority over Iowa electric utilities

The IUC regulates the rates and services of investor-owned utilities (IOU), also referred to as rate-regulated utilities. The IUC has limited regulatory authority of rural electric cooperative (REC) and municipal electric utilities in the areas of:

  • service
  • safety
  • engineering

The IUC has very limited authority for non-utility generators.

Iowa Utility Electric Profile (2022)

Utility Type# of Utilities# of Customers% CustomersMWh Sales (1)% Sales
REC (2)43241,21214.29%7,576,61510.00%

Notes: (1) IOU, municipal and REC totals exclude sales for resale. (2) REC totals exclude sales to Generation & Transmission (G&T).   

Amana Society Service Company is an investor-owned utility, but it is not rate-regulated due to the number of customers it serves. 

Source: 2022 Annual Report (IUC 24/7; Form IE-1, Form EC-1, & Form ME-1)

Iowa Electric Profile (Including Non-Utility Generation)

Electric Generation in Iowa by Primary Energy Source

Energy Source2022 Nameplate
Capacity (MW) (1)
% of Nameplate Capacity2022
Generation (MWh) (2)
% of Generation
Natural Gas4,148.014.84%7,339,04010.06%
Other & Other Renewables24.50.09%220,0760.30%
Total27,957.7100.00% (3)72,982,198100.00% (3)

Notes: (1) Generation capacity for units greater than 1 MW that are physically located in Iowa; includes non-utility generators such as merchant plants, hospitals, colleges/universities, and industrials. 
(2) Generation from units greater than 1 MW that are physically located in Iowa; includes non-utility generators such as merchant plants, hospitals, colleges/universities, and industrials. 
(3) The percentages above reflect each category's percentage of the total quantity, rounded to two decimal places. Any differences found by manually summing the percent column are due to rounding.

(1) Capacity: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Report 860 - Final Report 2022 
(2) Generation: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Report 923 - Final Report 2022
Find other data and information about the electric utility industry on the IUC's Federal Utility Regulation page.