The Utility Annual Report Information and Exterior Lighting Report found below is compiled from the annual reports filed with the IUC by the utility companies.  

Under 199 IAC 23.1(2), each utility files an annual report with the IUC by April 1, covering its operations during the preceding calendar year. A summary of the information taken from those annual reports is included in Tables 1 and 2.

  • Table 1 lists revenues, units sold, and number of customers served by each industry group.
  • Table 2 includes a summary of the statements of income from Iowa operations by each industry group.

Individual company information is also available by industry type:

  • Electric – Investor-Owned Electric, Municipal Electric, and Rural Electric Cooperatives
  • Gas – Investor-Owned Gas, Municipal Gas, and Certified Natural Gas Providers
  • Telephone – Local Exchange Carriers and Interexchange Carriers
  • Water – Investor-Owned Water

Exterior Lighting Report

Each electric utility files as part of its annual report information about the progress to date in converting company-owned exterior flood lighting to high pressure sodium or lighting of equivalent or higher energy efficiency.  (199 Iowa Administrative Code rules 20.16 and 27.13 apply to rate-regulated and municipal/rural electric cooperative utilities, respectively.) Legislation in 1989 approved the regulation of public utility-owned and city-owned exterior flood lighting.  It states that all newly installed exterior lighting shall be high pressure sodium lighting or lighting with equivalent or better energy efficiency.

The status of exterior lighting as of December 31, 2022, as reported to the IUC in the annual reports, follows. The information for 2017 and earlier was filed as part of the requirement in 199 IAC chapter 35 Energy Efficiency Planning and Cost Review. There were no reports for 2018, 2019, or 2020. New filings pursuant to 199 IAC chapters 20 and 27 will begin with 2022 annual report filings.

Investor-owned Electric Totals266,11799.07%2,495268,612
Interstate Power and Light Co.113,38599.57%478113,863
MidAmerican Energy Co.152,73298.67%2,017154,749
Municipal Electrics62,56896.89%2,00664,574
Rural Electric Cooperatives43,74889.75%4,99848,746

As of 2022, investor-owned utilities collectively had converted the largest percentage of their fixtures at 99 percent (from 1990 to present). Municipal utilities' conversion was at almost 97 percent, and rural electric cooperatives reported having converted almost 90 percent.  The updates are not a date-certain mandate; therefore, the utilities will continue converting their old fixtures as they become worn out.

Exterior Lighting Report Data 


Viewing Annual Reports 

Utility annual reports are filed using the company and contact web application IUC 24/7. To view a company's annual report in IUC 24/7, navigate to the Search Companies page and search for the company (by company name or company number) that you would like to review. Click on the company name link and scroll down to the annual reports section of the company profile to view their annual report information. 

Prior to 2020 and beginning with the 2017 calendar year report, utility company annual reports were filed in the company's M-Docket.

To search for previous annual report filings, click the electronic filing link to open the homepage for the electronic filing system (EFS).  Then select Search from the top navigation menu and scroll down to Document Search. This will open the document search screen. For 2017 through 2019 annual reports, select M - Miscellaneous from the Docket Type drop-down box and then select Reports from the Document Type dropdown. To return documents for a specific company, select the company name from the Submitting Parties drop-down box and click the Add button to add the company to the search parameters. After entering the search terms, click the Search button. This will display filings of the Reports document type in the M-Docket. 

For 2016 and earlier reporting years, complete the search steps above and select A - Annual Reports from the Docket Type drop-down list. To find the most recent filing, click on the Docket Number heading to sort in descending order. 

NOTE: A-Dockets for years prior to 2008 may appear in the list, but no documents have been uploaded in those dockets. Electronic filing was implemented in 2009.