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The IUC organizes filings in one of 40 designated docket types, structured with an alphanumeric system to title each docket. Each docket title begins with one or more letters that represent the function of that docket type, followed by one or two series of numbers in one of three classifications:

  • YYYY - the year the docket was opened
  • nnnn - the numerical sequence of a filing within a docket type
  • CoNo - the company number

The table lists the IUC's docket titles, the structure of the docket number, and filings found in each docket type. 

To quickly find a specific docket type from the list below, type CTRL + F and enter the prefix of the docket type, plus a space and a dash. Example:  Type "EEP -" to go directly to the docket details of an energy efficiency plan docket.

Docket Designations
Docket Designation TitleDocket StructureDocket Details
A - Annual Report (Archived)


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Used prior to March 2017 for the filing of public utility annual reports as required by Iowa Code Chapter 476. Company annual reports re now filed in their M docket and can be found in the company's IUB 24/7 profile. 
APP - Alternative Pricing ProposalAPP-YYYY-nnnnInitiated when a utility files a proposal to set rates that are not based on traditional rate-regulation factors.
ARU - Accounting Rules UtilityARU-YYYY-CoNo
Used for the issuance of accounting rulings, which evaluate the proper method of accounting for certain expenses, investments, or revenues.
C - Complaints


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For complaints filed between two or more entities concerning a utility matter over which the IUC has jurisdiction. In general, one or more of the entities will be a utility company. Complaint subjects include rates, billing, service, rights to service, and practices by the utility covered by IUC rules and its tariff. (Iowa law requires complaints be made in writing; see 199 IAC chapter 6.)
CCF - Customer Contribution Fund


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For reports regarding funds established to assist a utility's low-income customers. (See Iowa Code § 476.66.)  Each gas and electric public utility in Iowa must have a program plan to assist the utility's low-income customers with weatherization and to supplement assistance received under the federal low-income home energy assistance program for the payment of winter heating bills. (Rules at 199 IAC 19.15 and 199 IAC 20.15 apply to gas and electric utilities, respectively.)
CGP - Certified Gas Provider


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Iowa code § 476.87 directs the IUC to certify all competitive natural gas providers and aggregators providing natural gas services in Iowa. An application must demonstrate sufficient capability to obtain and deliver the services such a provider or aggregator proposes to offer. (199 IAC 19.14)
DIG - One Call complaints



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Complaints filed with the IUC or Attorney General's Office for possible non-compliance with Iowa's One Call Law (Iowa Code chapter 480)
DRU - Declaratory RulingDRU-YYYY-nnnnUsed when a person requests that the IUC make an interpretation of law about a particular hypothetical circumstance. (199 IAC chapter 4) 
E – Electric Franchise or ExtensionE-nnnnUsed for the review and final determination of requests to construct and operate or renew franchises of electric transmission lines of 69 kV or more. 
EAC - Energy Adjustment ClauseEAC-YYYY-CoNoRelated to the increased or decreased cost of gas purchased by a utility to be used as fuel to produce electrical for resale to its customers. (These provisions are allowed under Iowa Code § 476.6(8) and 199 IAC 20.9.)
EDR - Electric Delivery ReliabilityEDR-YYYY-CoNo
Investor-owned electric utilities and electric cooperatives must maintain records regarding electric service reliability and outages. (199 IAC 20.18) Annual reports are filed in these dockets. Also, electric utilities serving more than 50,000 Iowa customers must include in annual reports the number of outages, an evaluation of current system reliability, and plans for service quality improvements. 
EEP - Energy Efficiency PlanEEP-YYYY-nnnnInvestor-owned utilities in Iowa must create and file cost-effective plans that address all customer classes, including programs for low-income customers. Plans are reviewed in contested case proceedings and the IUC has authority to approve, reject, or modify a plan. Utilities recover the costs of energy efficiency implementation through an Energy Efficiency Cost Recovery charge, which is reviewed and adjusted annually. The IUC also conducts prudence reviews on the performance of a utility in implementing its energy efficiency plan.
EPB - Emission PlanEPB-YYYY-CoNoUsed for the review of multiyear emissions plans and budgets developed by rate-regulated utilities, updates to their existing plans, or advanced review and approval of cost recovery for pollution and emissions control projects related to coal-fired generating plants. (Iowa Code § 476.6(19)) 
ESA - Electric SafetyESA-YYYY-nnnnThe IUC has the authority to supervise all lines for the transmission, sale, and distribution of electric current to protect the safety and welfare of the public, and to make and enforce rules relating to the location, construction, operation, and maintenance of all transmission lines, wires, or cables. (Iowa Code chapters 476 and 478) Violation of an electric safety rule adopted by the IUC may be subject to a civil penalty. (Iowa Code §§ 476.51 and 478.29)
ETA - Eligible Telecommunications Provider ApplicationETA-YYYY-nnnnUsed for review and ruling on requests by Iowa communications carriers to be designated as eligible telecommunications carriers. Such designation makes a carrier eligible for certain federal funding programs. 
ETR - Eligible Telecommunications Provider ReportETR-YYYY-CoNoPreviously used for annual reports filed by ETCs.  State-related filings are now processed via IUC 24/7. 
FCU - Formal Complaint ProceedingFCU-YYYY-nnnnFormal complaint investigations are brought against a utility by another utility, a customer, or the IUC. Intended to determine if, in a specific instance, a utility violated Iowa law, rules, or the utility’s own tariff.
FER - Federal ETC ReportFER-YYYY-CoNoPreviously used for annual reports filed by ETCs. FCC-related filings are now filed in the company's M or ETC docket.
FLR - Federal Lifeline ReportFLR-YYYY-CoNoPreviously used to receive and review FCC Form 555 filings required of ETCs by 47 CFR 54.416. Form 555 filings are now filed in the company's M or ETC docket each January.
GCU - Generating CertificateGCU-YYYY-nnnnUsed for the review of requests for a certificate of public convenience, use and necessity for proposed electric generating facilities producing 25 mW or more. 
H - Accident - OutagesH-CoNoAccident investigation reports and related documents filed by utilities and staff.
HLP - Hazardous Liquid Pipeline


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Used for the review of proposed hazardous liquid pipelines. The IUC has authority over hazardous liquid pipelines and storage facilities in Iowa. (Iowa Code chapter 479B) Hazardous liquids are defined as crude oil, refined petroleum products, liquefied petroleum gases, anhydrous ammonia, liquid fertilizers, liquefied carbon dioxide, alcohols, and coal slurries. 
IAC - Iowa Administrative Code


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Filings and reports required by the IUC's rules in 199 Iowa Administrative Code chapters 15, 19, 20, 22, 31, 35 and 45. 
INU - InvestigationsINU-YYYY-nnnnFilings and reports required by the IUC's rules in 199 Iowa Administrative Code chapters 15, 19, 20, 22, 31, 35 and 45. 
M - MiscellaneousM-CoNoIntended for miscellaneous filings that do not require action by the IUC but may include requests for action for which no other docket type is applicable.
NIA - Negotiated Interconnection AgreementNIA-YYYY-nnnnUsed for agreements between competitors and incumbent local exchange providers for which the IUC has the authority to approve rates, terms, and conditions of negotiated interconnection. and written comments filed by interested parties as required within 30 days.  (Section 252(b) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996)
NOI - Notice of InquiryNOI-YYYY-nnnnUsed for IUC investigation and information gathering. 
P - Pipeline Permits


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Used for the review of applications for intrastate pipeline permits for non-hazardous substances.
PGA - Purchased Gas AdjustmentPGA-YYYY-CoNoUsed to address the cost of gas charged to a specific utility's customers due to the variation in the price of natural gas purchased by the utility. (Iowa Code § 476.6(10) and 199 IAC 19.10) These provisions are approved as part of the company's tariff filed with the IUC. Companies file monthly and annual cost reports, as well as any requests to change the rates charged to customers.
PSA - Pipeline Safety ActPSA-YYYY-nnnnIowa Code chapter 479 grants the IUC authority to supervise the transportation or transmission of natural gas by pipeline to protect the safety and welfare of the public; 199 IAC chapter 19 is the pipeline safety standards for public utilities subject to IUC jurisdiction. The IUC also acts as an interstate agent for the federal Department of Transportation in pipeline safety matters. (Iowa Code § 479.33) Violation of a pipeline safety rule adopted by the IUC may be subject to civil penalty. (Iowa Code §§ 476.51 and 479.31)
R - ReportsR-CoNoIowa Code chapter 479 grants the IUC authority to supervise the transportation or transmission of natural gas by pipeline to protect the safety and welfare of the public and 199 IAC chapter 19 are the pipeline safety standards for public utilities subject to IUC jurisdiction. The IUC also acts as an interstate agent for the federal Department of Transportation in pipeline safety matters. (Iowa Code § 479.33) Violation of a pipeline safety rule adopted by the IUC may be subject to civil penalty. (Iowa Code §§ 476.51 and 479.31)
RE - Reports, ElectricRE-CoNoIUC staff safety and service electric inspection reports, related documents, and correspondence, and reports made by electric utilities concerning operations as required by the IUC rule or order.
REG - Telecommunications Service Provider RegistrationsREG-CoNoPreviously used to receive required registrations for certain telecommunications services in Iowa, filed by applicable telecommunication providers. Now filed in IUB 24/7; any new company that has registered since 2021 does not have an REG docket.
RG - Reports, Natural GasRG-CoNoIUC staff safety and service gas inspection reports, related documents, and correspondence, and reports made by gas utilities concerning operations as required by IUC rule or order.
RMU - RulemakingsRMU-YYYY-nnnnThe IUC's administrative rules that specify how utilities must operate and the procedures by which citizens and utilities may amend those rules. To change the rules, certain procedures for public notice and comment are specified by law. These proposed changes are called rulemakings.
RPU - Rate ProceedingsRPU-YYYY-nnnnUsed to conduct general and advance ratemakings to determine the rates and charges allowed to be assessed by rate-regulated utilities. 
SPU - Service ProceedingSPU-YYYY-nnnnA service proceeding is required when there is a change to the boundaries established for electric utilities; also used when matters of utility service require Commission approval, including renewable energy percentage verifications, moratoriums, and objections to invoices.
T - Tariff


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Concerns a utility’s operating procedures, including but not limited to rates and charges for services and the rules and regulations governing conditions precedent to furnishing these services. Rates refer to recurring costs such as periodic billing. Changes concern the “once only” or specific costs such as installation fees.
TF - Tariff FilingTF-YYYY-nnnnWorking file or approval file of the Tariff file mentioned above. Each new or modification to an existing tariff submitted by a utility is set up in a working file, processed to the IUC for action, then closed out to that utility’s T-docket.
VCA - Video Cable Authority


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Used for the review of applications for video or cable service franchises, which allow a video or cable service provider to use public rights-of-way and require franchise fees paid to local governments. 
WRU - Waiver of RulesWRU-YYYY-nnnn-CoNoUsed to request the waiver of an IUC rule when an applicant asserts that it meets the legal requirements for such waiver.


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