Other state and federal agencies also provide utility-related assistance to consumers. The following web resources are not maintained by the Iowa Utilities Commission. 

  • Office of Consumer Advocate (OCA) - The OCA, as division of the Iowa Department of Justice, investigates the legality of rates and practices of all utility companies subject to the regulatory oversight of the IUC and represents consumers and the public generally before state and federal agencies concerning those matters.
  • Consumer Protection Division, Iowa Attorney General - Helpful information about consumer protection issues including consumer fraud, credit, and consumer contracts.
  • Federal Trade Commission - Helpful information from the federal agency most directly involved in consumer protections.
  • Federal Communications Commission - Helpful information on cell phone and other telephone issues not under the regulatory oversight of the IUC.
  • Federal Reserve - Regarding interest rates applied to utility refunds, if the IUC finds at the conclusion of a rate case that a public utility's interim rates were not based on previously established regulatory principles or were in excess of final rates approved by the IUC, refund amounts will be determined by the most recent average quarterly rate on 24-month consumer loans, plus 2% per annum, as determined by the Federal Reserve. That amount is available on its website. See more at Iowa Code ยง 476.6(9)(c) (2022).