This page details the status of existing court cases involving the Iowa Utilities Commission and provides court filings made within the past month.  

Updated August 7, 2024

LS Power Midcontinent et al v. State of Iowa, Iowa Utilities Board, Erik Helland, et al. 

Polk County District Court Case No. CVCV060840 / Appeal Case No. 21-0696
Subject: Challenge to adoption of Iowa Code § 478.16, granting right of first refusal to build transmission lines
Original Petition: Petition for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief filed October 14, 2020. (Large file; for assistance, contact the IUC at 515-725-7300.)
Current Status:  Court ruling denying State and Intervenors’ Motions to Reconsider and denying MISO’s motion, filed March 19, 2024. Defendants and intervenors have appealed to the Supreme Court of Iowa. Awaiting court decision. Order issued granting the motion to stay filed by ITC Midwest and granting MISO’s amicus curiae brief.

Wolf Carbon Solutions US, LLC v. Iowa Utilities Board

Polk County District Court Case No. EQCE088016
Subject: Request for injunction barring the disclosure of landowner mailing lists (public records request case) 
Original Petition: Petition for Temporary and Permanent Injunctive Relief  filed September 7, 2022.
Current Status:  Non-jury trial scheduled for August 21, 2025. 
Recent Filings:  Order Lifting Stay and Consolidating Cases. Order Setting Trial and Approving Plan.

Enterprise Products Operating, LLC v. Iowa Utilities Board

Polk County District Court Case No. CVCV065780
Subject: Judicial review of agency orders in Docket No. SPU-2023-0003 regarding IUC’s order assessing civil penalties for Enterprise’s failure to have required permits.  
Original Petition: Petition for Judicial Review of Agency Action filed July 7, 2023. 
Current Status: Awaiting court decision. 
Recent filings: Enterprise's Post-hearing Brief and Attachment. IUC's Motion to Strike.


Note: Court cases that began prior to July 1, 2024, reference the Iowa Utilities Commission's prior name, Iowa Utilities Board, unless changed as part of the proceedings.