Updated September 4, 2024

On January 10, 2023, Gov. Kim Reynolds signed Executive Order 10, which puts a moratorium on certain administrative rulemaking and requires a thorough review of all existing administrative rules.

In accordance with the order, the IUC is reviewing the necessity and effectiveness of all agency rules, including:

  • a cost benefit analysis to evaluate the rules' public benefits,
  • whether the benefits justify the cost, and 
  • whether there are less restrictive alternatives to achieve the rules' intended goal.

Rule reviews are being conducted in three phases. Commission orders issued as part of this process are shown with links to the IUC's electronic filing system. Rules adopted upon completion of the review and hearing process are shown in the final table on this page. 

The IUC's Executive Order 10 deadline to complete the review of all rules is December 31, 2025. 

Phase 1
Red Tape Review 

ChapterChapter TitleDocket NumberHearing DateRule ReportRegulatory AnalysisNOIA
1Organization and OperationRMU-2023-0001Sep 26, 2023OrderOrderOrder
2FormsRMU-2023-0002Oct 18, 2023OrderOrderOrder
3RulemakingRMU-2023-0003Oct 4, 2023OrderOrderOrder
4Declaratory OrdersRMU-2023-0004Sep 21, 2023OrderOrderOrder
5Procedure for Determining the Competitiveness of a Communications Service or FacilityRMU-2023-0005Sep 26, 2023Order OrderOrder
6Complaint ProceduresRMU-2023-0006Sep 13, 2023OrderOrderOrder
7Practice and ProcedureRMU-2023-0007Oct 5, 2023OrderOrderOrder
8Civil PenaltiesRMU-2023-0008Sep 21, 2023OrderOrderOrder
12Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines and Underground StorageRMU-2023-0012Sep 20, 2023OrderOrderOrder
14Electronic FilingRMU-2023-0014Oct 18, 2023OrderOrderOrder
18 Utility RecordsRMU-2023-0018Sep 13, 2023OrderOrderOrder
23Annual ReportRMU-2023-0023Oct 26, 2023OrderOrderOrder
27Regulation of Electric Cooperatives and Municipal Electric Utilities Under Iowa Code Chapter 476RMU-2023-0027Sep 25, 2023OrderOrderOrder
33Nonutility Services —Recordkeeping and Cost AllocationsRMU-2023-0033Sep 6, 2023OrderOrderOrder
34Nonutility ServiceRMU-2023-0034Sep 6, 2023OrderOrderOrder

Phase 2
Red Tape Review

ChapterChapter TitleDocket NumberHearing DateRule ReportRegulatory AnalysisNOIA
9Restoration of Agricultural Lands During and After Pipeline ConstructionRMU-2023-0009May 7, 2024


Order re: Tech Conf  

10Intrastate Gas Pipelines and Underground Gas StorageRMU-2023-0010May 7, 2024


Order re: Tech Conf  

11Electric LinesRMU-2023-0011Apr 29, 2024


Order Rescheduling

15Cogeneration and Small Power ProductionRMU-2023-0015May 16, 2024Order  
16AccountingRMU-2023-0016Mar 19, 2024Order  
17AssessmentsRMU-2023-0017Oct 31, 2023OrderOrderOrder
25Iowa Electrical Safety CodeRMU-2023-0025Apr 23, 2024OrderOrder 
29Management Efficiency EvaluationRMU-2023-0029Feb 28, 2024OrderOrderOrder
30Renewable Energy Percentage VerificationRMU-2023-0030May 21, 2024OrderOrderOrder
31Access to Affiliate Records, Requirements for Annual Filings, and Asset and Service TransfersRMU-2023-0031Oct 19, 2023OrderOrderOrder
32ReorganizationRMU-2023-0032Jan 23, 2024


Order Amending

35Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Planning and Reporting for natural Gas and Electric Utilities Required to be Rate-RegulatedRMU-2023-0035July 17, 2024OrderOrder 
37Equipment Distribution ProgramRMU-2023-0037Sep 18, 2023Order  
38Local Exchange CompetitionRMU-2023-0038June 11, 2024OrderOrder 
39Universal ServiceRMU-2023-0039June 11, 2024OrderOrder 
40Competitive Bidding ProcessRMU-2023-0040Mar 26, 2024Order
Order Amending
44Certificates of Franchise Authority for Cable and Video ServiceRMU-2023-0044June 11, 2024OrderOrder 

Phase 3
Red Tape Review

ChapterChapter TitleDocket  NumberHearing Date  Rule  Report Regulatory Analysis  NOIA
13Hazardous Liquid Pipelines and Underground StorageRMU-2023-0013July 30, 2024OrderOrder 
19Service Supplied by Gas UtilitiesRMU-2023-0019May 16, 2024Order Order 
20Service Supplied by Rate-Regulated Electric UtilitiesRMU-2023-0020Aug 1, 2024Order  
21Service Supplied by Water, Sanitary Sewage, and Storm Water Drainage UtilitiesRMU-2023-0021Apr 30, 2024; 
June 25, 2024


Order Rescheduling

Order (2nd Tech Conf)

22Regulation of Telecommunications ServiceRMU-2023-0022June 11, 2024OrderOrder 
24Location and Construction of Electric Power Generating FacilitiesRMU-2023-0024Sept 5, 2024Order  
26Rate Cases, Tariffs, and Rate Regulation Election Practice and ProcedureRMU-2023-0026June 4, 2024OrderOrder 
41Ratemaking Principles ProceedingRMU-2023-0041Apr 30, 2024OrderOrder 
42Crossing of Railroad Rights-of-WayRMU-2023-0042Apr 24, 2024OrderOrderOrder
45Electric Inter-connection of Distributed Generation FacilitiesRMU-2023-0045July 18, 2024Order  

Adopted Rules

ChapterChapter TitleDocket  NumberAdopted
2Forms (Rescinded)RMU-2023-0002Order
4Declaratory OrdersRMU-2023-0004Order
5Procedure for Determining the Competitiveness of a Communications Service or Facility (Rescinded)RMU-2023-0005Order
6Complaint ProceduresRMU-2023-0006Order
8Civil Penalties (Rescinded)RMU-2023-0008Order
12Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines and Underground Storage (Rescinded)RMU-2023-0012Order
18Utility RecordsRMU-2023-0018Order
23Annual ReportRMU-2023-0023Order
27Regulation of Electric Cooperatives and Municipal Electric Utilities Under Iowa Code Chapter 476RMU-2023-0027Order
31Access to Affiliate Records, Requirements for Annual Filings, and Service and Asset Transfer Costing StandardsRMU-2023-0031Order
33Nonutility Services —Recordkeeping and Cost AllocationsRMU-2023-0033Order
34Nonutility Service  RMU-2023-0034Order

Learn more

Additional information about executive orders is available on the governor's website.