Active rulemakings of the IUC are available for review on the State of Iowa's Administrative Rules website. 

You may comment on the noticed rules until the end of the comment period by filing:

The IUC’s rules regarding rulemaking procedures are at 199 Iowa Administrative Code chapter 3.

Matt Oetker has been designated the Agency Rules Administrator. The IUC address is 1375 E. Court Ave., Des Moines, IA 50319.

You can determine when the Administrative Rules Review Committee will be considering the rules in the docket by accessing the Committee’s agenda. The rules are usually considered by the Committee the month after the proposed rules are published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin.

All documents relating to each rulemaking docket are available for review in EFS. From the EFS navigation bar, select Search, Docket Search, and type in the docket number for the rulemaking in which you are interested.  To display all documents for that particular docket, click on the documents link.

See Executive Order 10 regarding a review of all agency rules.