IUC Open Records Policy 

Iowa Code chapter 22 allows for examination of public records controlled by any governmental body in Iowa. The law is intended to ensure that state agencies and governmental bodies are accountable and transparent to their constituents. If you are seeking records or information not available on the IUC's website, you may submit an Open Records Request.

Examination of Records

The public has the right under the law (chapter 22.3 and 22.4) to view records in the office during regular and customary office hours. The IUC is open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays with the exception of state holidays.

Requests for public records may be made by email, in person, by postal mail, or by fax. In your request summary and special instructions, please indicate:

  • the types of documents that are sought,
  • any details that will help locate the specific information requested, and
  • the format you are requesting.

Please provide an email address and/or phone number so your request can be acknowledged  once received.

Response to an Open Records Request

Public records requests will be acknowledged upon receipt. If the IUC requires additional time  to prepare requested documents, you will be notified in writing of the reason for the extension and the expected date the requested information will be produced.

Iowa law under chapter 22.7 also provides for protection of certain information, such as confidential documents, proprietary information, and some personnel materials.

Records Fees

Most records will be provided at no cost. Iowa Code chapter 22.3 does allow for a governmental body fulfilling a records request to assess the requesting party a fee for the records that is not in excess of the cost of providing the service. The IUC will assess the scope of the request to determine the amount of time the request will take and, if applicable, the volume of documents being requested, to determine whether a fee will be involved.

You will be contacted before your records request is fulfilled if you have specified a cost limit. 

Designated Custodian - Submit a Records Request

The IUC has designated its general counsel as Chief Records Officer in matters pertaining to requests that fall under Iowa Code chapter 22. Contact jon.tack@iuc.iowa.gov to electronically submit your records request.  

NOTE: The Iowa Public Information Board provides additional information and assistance in making a records request on its Open Meetings & Public Records webpage.