Follow the steps below to file:

  • an objection
  • a letter of support
  • a comment in a docket that's open before the IUC

NOTE: Any information submitted is subject to the Iowa Open Records Act and will be available for public viewing and inspection.

If you need help, email or call 515-725-7300.

When you submit comments via the IUC online comment form, you will receive a reply email saying your comments were received. 

IUC Customer Service staff will upload your comments to the electronic filing system ( Your comments and information are open to the public and shared with all members on the service list for the docket you selected. 

If you chose to get email updates, you will be notified when your comment is filed and when other people file comments for the docket.

Filing in a docket using the IUC's electronic filing system 

Go to and review "EFS Quick Filing Guide - Registered Users" to add other information or documents into the docket.

Access EFS

The electronic filing system (EFS) is an IUC database that allows you to give feedback to the IUC and review filings in dockets.

Fill in Information About Yourself

Type your your name, address, and other information in the fields near the top of the screen. All fields with a red * are required.

Choose the Docket

Find and select the docket you want to comment on in the "List of IUC Dockets."  

Choose the Submission Type

Click the drop-down for the "Submission Type" and click the one you want.

Set Email Notification

If you want email updates about the docket, check the box "Send Me Email Notifications on this Docket." Leave the box blank if you don't want to get updates.

NOTE: If you choose to get email notifications, your name, email, and address will be added to the service list, which is sent by the system to all email addresses.

Add Comments

Type your comments in the "Comments" area.

Submit Your Comment

Check the box in the "I'm not a robot" field. Then click the "Submit" button under it.