Many types of utility services can be buried in the ground on your property. To avoid a potential accident caused by excavation, Iowa law requires that you have the location of all underground utility lines marked before digging by hand or with equipment. Hitting an underground utility line while digging can cause serious injuries, disrupt service to entire neighborhoods, and result in fines and repair costs.
To comply with Iowa's One Call law, a homeowner or excavator must go online to or call 811 or 800-292-8989 to schedule underground utility lines to be located and marked. This will create a ticket for the location to be visited. The request should be made at least two days before starting any digging or excavating project, excluding Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays. Iowa One Call is a free service.
After Iowa One Call is contacted, the following happens:
- Operators who have underground facilities in the planned excavation area are notified. This includes natural gas and power utilities, communications companies, and city utility departments.
- Within 48 hours of being contacted, utility representatives either mark their underground facilities with color-coded paint marks or flags or notify Iowa One Call that there are no lines in the area.
The color of flags or paint for marked utilities tells excavators what type of utility is in the area. The American Public Works Association (APWA) Uniform Color Codes for temporary marking of underground utilities are:
RED | electric power lines, cables, conduit, and lighting cables |
ORANGE | telecommunication, alarm or signal lines, cables, or conduit |
YELLOW | natural gas, oil, steam, petroleum, or other gaseous or flammable material |
GREEN | sewers and drain lines |
BLUE | drinking water |
PURPLE | reclaimed water, irrigation, and slurry lines |
WHITE | proposed excavation limits or route |
PINK | temporary survey markings, unknown/unidentified facilities |
One Call Complaints and Violation Enforcement
The Office of the Attorney General enforces the One Call Law. You can file a One Call Complaint with the IUC or the Attorney General's office by using the online form.
Additional Resources
Schedule a utility locate - homeowners (Iowa One Call website)
Manage existing locate tickets
Common Ground Iowa - Educates industry members on damage prevention practices
IUC One Call Law handout
IUC One Call Law and Damage Prevention Survey
IUC Safety and Engineering surveyed excavators, operators, contractors, and other stakeholders in 2021 as part of the IUC Damage Prevention Program. Survey results helped the IUC better understand the reasons for noncompliance with Iowa's One Call law, which protects underground utility infrastructure. The survey also provided educational resources to excavators, contractors, locators, and others about Iowa's One Call process.
Survey Results: Iowa's One Call Process Assessment and Learning Aid
Damage Prevention and One Call Contact
IUC Safety and Engineering
Kevin Yearington, Manager

8/11 Day recognition
Gov. Kim Reynolds, joined at the Iowa State Fair by IUC Chair Erik Helland, AG Brenna Bird, and Iowa One Call and Common Ground Iowa representatives, signed a proclamation in recognition of 8/11 Day in Iowa in support of safe digging to protect underground utilities.