Low-income energy customers in Iowa are eligible for a Winter Disconnection Moratorium from November 1 through April 1 each year. To qualify, customers must be certified eligible for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) or the Low Income Home Weatherization Program. 

Each month, rate-regulated utilities are required to report information on residential past due accounts and disconnections as required by 199 IAC 19.2(5)(j) and 20.2(5)(j).

This data is compiled on a calendar cycle of October through September. The following links by utility type will direct you to IUC staff compilations of each utility’s reported data.

Electric and Gas Investor-owned (Rate-regulated) Utilities

MidAmerican Energy
Interstate Power and Light
Black Hills Energy  
Liberty Utilities

Weekly filings include information by customer class on past due accounts, disconnection and reconnection data, revenues owed on past due accounts, and payment plans.

Water Investor-owned (Rate-regulated) Utility

Iowa-American Water

Iowa-American's monthly filing includes information on past due accounts by class and revenues owed by class.

Municipal Utilities & Rural Electric Cooperatives

The IUC has very limited regulatory authority over municipal utilities and rural electric cooperatives. Previous filings from these entities were part of the IUC's effort to understand financial impacts resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Municipal utilities and REC's are no longer required to file monthly data. Details for those municipals that have filed can be found in each utility’s M-docket (“M-” plus the four-digit company number) using the docket search in the IUC's electronic filing system. To locate a company number, use the company search. Previous REC monthly filings are available in Docket No. M-0001. 

Residential Past Due Accounts & Disconnection Monthly Reports