Voluntary Customer Contribution Fund (CCF)

Under Iowa law, energy utilities are required to operate a fund that allows utility customers to voluntarily contribute money for deposit in a low-income heating assistance fund. The contributions are used to assist low-income Iowans in paying their energy bills and with weatherization. Each gas and electric utility operates an independent fund under such names as Project Share, RECare, I CARE, etc. These contributions are generally recognized as tax deductible.

Funds not distributed during a fiscal year are carried forward to the next fiscal year. 

2024 Filings

Utilities are required to file the annual report for the review period ending on June 30 by September 30 each year.

See filing instructions and common questions for more information about CCF reporting.

Download the 2024 CCF report form.

Customer Contribution Fund Annual Report 

The information reported by utilities is compiled by IUC staff into the tracking spreadsheet that is available upon request. Annual updates are generally provided in the fall after fiscal-year data is completed. 

View the statewide CCF report for fiscal year 2023.

For questions regarding the FY 2023 report, email IUC Customer Service staff at customer@iuc.iowa.gov or call 515-725-7300 or 877-565-4450. 

Number of Customers Contributing12,353
Total Funds Contributed (including matching funds)$3,014,953
Total Funds Distributed$2,063,658
Number of Households Assisted5,473
Average Assistance Per Household$377