The Iowa Utilities Commission (IUC) issued an order today establishing the procedural schedule and setting the public hearing date regarding Iowa-American Water Company’s (Iowa-American) application for an increase in its water rates to customers.

The public hearing, for the presentation of evidence and cross-examination of witnesses will be held at 9 a.m. November 19, 2024, in the IUC’s Hearing Room at 1375 E. Court Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. A comprehensive procedural schedule is attached to today’s order.

Iowa-American filed an application on May 1, 2024, seeking IUC approval of a revision of rates to increase its annual revenues under Iowa Code 476.6 and 199 Iowa Administrative Code chapter 26 of the IUC’s administrative rules. The company’s proposed rate increase is pending before the IUC in Docket No. RPU-2024-0002.

Persons with disabilities requiring assistive services or devices to observe or participate in the hearing should contact the IUC at 515-725-7300 or at least five days in advance of the scheduled date to request appropriate arrangements.

Written comments can be filed in this rate case by completing and submitting the online comment form, by email to, or by postal mail to the Iowa Utilities Commission, Docket No. RPU-2024-0002, 1375 E. Court Ave., Des Moines, IA 50319-0069. 

All publicly filed documents for this rate case are available for review in the IUC’s electronic filing system under Docket No. RPU-2024-0002.