Proclaiming 8/11 Day in Iowa

IUC joins Gov. Reynolds, AG Bird, IOC & CGI to proclaim 8/11 Day in Iowa

Gov. Reynolds joined IUC Chair Helland, AG Bird, IOC and CGI representatives to proclaim 8/11 Day in Iowa at the Iowa State Fair in support of safe digging to protect underground utilities.

Gov. Reynolds joined the IUC, AG Bird, and excavation industry stakeholders to proclaim 811 Day in Iowa at the Iowa State Fair
Alliant/IPL gas, electric rate case

Alliant Energy/Interstate Power and Light Company Rate Case

The hearing on IPL's application for an increase in natural gas and electric rates, filed on October 12, 2023, begins July 9.

Bank of electric and natural gas utility meters
Carbon Pipelines

Update - SCS Carbon Transport Public Information Meetings & Summit Pipeline

The IUC approved SCS Carbon Transport's public information meetings July 5; Summit Carbon Solutions' pipeline application was approved June 25; a permit will not be issued until requirements are met.

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