The Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) will launch a redesign of its electronic filing system (EFS) on December 18, 2023, at In addition to a cleaner look that visually aligns with the IUB’s website and new agency branding, the enhanced site will feature upgrades that make it easier for industry stakeholders, utility customers, and the general public to submit or search filings with quicker results.
The new EFS homepage will feature navigation options to browse the daily filing summary, search docket information, or submit filings. Topics will now be grouped together to improve the user experience in searching for dockets, filings, tariffs, companies, or electric franchises. The redesign is intended to improve the user experience and provide resources when experiencing issues including “How to Search” or “How to File” and other common questions regarding EFS.
Users can also file a comment, objection, or letter of support in an open docket pending with the IUB, or contact IUB Customer Service staff to file a complaint about utility service. Links are included to IUB 24/7 and the IUB’s website.
The refreshed site will continue to be mobile responsive to adapt the display to any user device, whether desktop, smartphone or tablet.
The current EFS site will be unavailable starting at 7 p.m. Friday, December 15, through Sunday, December 17, for the transition.
For questions about the enhanced EFS site, contact IUB IT support by calling (515) 725-7337 or emailing